Monday, June 1, 2009

Grassroots Marketing - Postcards Pt. 1

Anticipating the release of DOJ Ep 1 (and possibly 2) Wednesday next, my producing partners and I have embarked on a small scale marketing campaign, one facet of which being postcard distribution.
Our first target market is yoga studios in NYC.  I spent a fair portion of my day traversing the East Village and surrounding areas, stopping by each studio scrawled in my notebook.  I originally thought that studios would be generally receptive and easily accessible.  I no longer harbor that misconception.  
There were a couple of fairly receptive establishments, but most were less than cordial (I shant mention any names). One in particular was very receptive...and then they informed me of a $20 fee for two weeks on their "message board" (a plastic rack that was unceremoniously situated behind a rolling ladder in the front corner of the store/studio).  Capitalism is still king in this great country of ours.  "You can find harmony. But its gonna cost you."  Being on less than a shoestring budget, I decided to skip advertising Herr Moonfeather at this location and moved on to the next.
The other hurdle I ran into was gaining access to certain buildings while classes were being held.  I piggybacked more than three delivery men today to enter various buildings and reach the sweet, sweet honey I sought.

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